Sunday, October 31, 2010

Posting Guidelines

I don't want this blog to be a debating society or a vehicle for proselytizing with the obvious goal of trying to get others to adopt your views To borrow from an "anonymous" spiritually-oriented group, this is about attraction rather than promotion. If you cannot present your views without resisting the urge to force them upon others–go elsewhere. You can post just about anything that relates to your own spiritual journey, including source teachings, etc. that assisted in your spiritual evolution. You can reference other's posts and ideas, however the following are not welcome and will not be tolerated. Such posts will be removed as soon as identified:
  1. Any posts that put down others, or take the form of personal attacks:
  2. Commercial promotion of any kind, or spamming.
  3. Any form of hate speech that degrades a group of people simply for being a member of that group. Examples include racism, sexism, etc.
As this blog evolves, there may have to be additions or modifications to the above.

Inaugural Post

Throughout this blog, I will be sharing quotes from others that have had an impact in my spiritual evolution. One principle taught by the Buddha has always served as the overriding foundation of my path: “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
There are two things that I like about this teaching.
First, it empowers each individual to be their own authority in spiritual matters. Hundreds of years after the Buddha, Martin Luther used this principal as the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation. You and you alone are the only authority for your spiritual life.
Second, it asserts that reason and common sense should guide us in our spiritual quest. I have a friend who always likes to say about his own spirituality “I don’t believe in anything that requires belief.” I think the Buddha would agree.